(A current case study for leading in challenging times)

There are leadership skills and tools that engage our sense making and perceptiveness.  We have observed in times of crisis, good leaders:

    • Maintain high levels of interpersonal sensitivity  
    • Understand their role and boundaries in providing support or counselling and
    • Shorten the feedback loop to flex and regroup thoughts in an evolving crisis

One of the challenges for leaders new to working with anxious staff, is using the right approach and language when in 1 on 1 conversations.   

A key point from the practice of Psychologists is to ensure you don’t make the situation worse.

Whilst offering ‘proportion and perspective’ in a crisis is important, the concept of ‘normalising’ can be perceived as diminishing people’s concerns – Why? Because the current situation is not normal.

Performance Strategies is working on a daily basis with clients delivering development strategies to support individuals and teams for leading through the #COVID-19 crisis. Yesterday, we delivered a short and sharp workshop on this topic via teleconference to 35 VitaGroup ELT members, our approach contained 3 stages:  

    • Building and maintaining personal effectiveness as leaders in times of stress and uncertainty
    • Ramping up the self-care and resourcefulness of teams
    • Leadership development that improves cognitive flexibility and resilience